Monday 4 July 2011

Socialist Party of Scotland's pamphlet on Alan McCombe's book - Downfall - Tommy Sheridan

‎"Those former friends who crossed the class line" - Peter Taffe, yeh right. 

Not sure what to make of the pamphlet. Feel quite ill after reading it. A reliable narrator, I think not. 

Baleful poisonous and wilfully spiteful. Like a scientist trying to explain why we do not float up to the sky without bringing into the equation the laws of gravity.

A self styled Marxist who has clung to a vulgar debased cartoon version of what Auld Charlie was all about. Not a sceptical bone in his body- who accepts and dolefully regurgitates, his well burnished, dog eared catechism as profound insights from on high. The Auld pub bore bitterly nursing his pint at the end of the bar.

A simple question - who is capable of building wider communities of resistance and if so why? I just can't see the remnants of the old Militant Tendency such as Phil, capable of reaching out to younger generations of people. Maybe I'm wrong.

At what point in our lives to we become a hindrance rather than a help to the radical left. Phil Stott the lost boy of neo-Stalinism

Maybe I'm wrong but they seem as relevant today as a Kajagogoo reunion is to modern music.